Our Services

Financing Strategy & Capital Raising

  • Perfect my pitch (deck)

  • How much to raise

  • Who to raise from and when

  • Valuation Strategies

  • Evaluation of alternative sources of capital

Product Strategy & Roadmap

  • Figuring out the right blend of products & services

  • Determine target markets and product market fit

Go to Market & Launch

  • Channel effectiveness and optimization

  • How to use Digital Marketing to acquire + retain customers

  • Public Relations strategy

Digital Strategy & Execution

  • Define what Digital means to my company

  • Map my customer / employee journey

  • Identify opportunities to use Digital to improve the customer / employee journey

  • Prioritize (foundational + experiential) initiaives and build a roadmap

  • Define and implement back end architecture + stack

  • Design and build digital products

Operational Planning & Execution

  • Organizing my company for next stage growth

  • Upscaling my management team

  • Communication to Leadership & Employees

  • Metrics and Dashboards for tracking my company’s performance

  • Constructing incentive plans for Leadership, Management, and Employees

  • Governance matters

Mergers & Acquisitions

  • When is the right time to sell my company

  • How to position my company to be bought (vs selling my company)

  • Running an M&A process

  • Key deal points to consider in selling my company

  • Should I grow through acquisition

  • Evaluating a company to buy


Contact us.
